Hereinafter, we shall let $\sigma(z)$ be the sum of divisors of the positive integer $z$. Denote the deficiency of $z$ by $D(z) = 2z - \sigma(z)$, and the sum of aliquot divisors of $z$ by $s(z) = \sigma(z) - z$.
We shall compute here a formula for $D(x)D(y) - D(xy)$ in terms of the sum-of-aliquot-divisors function, when $\gcd(x,y)=1$.
Suppose that $\gcd(x,y)=1$.
Then we have
$$D(x)D(y) - D(xy) = (2x - \sigma(x))(2y - \sigma(y)) - (2xy - \sigma(xy))$$
$$= 4xy - 2y\sigma(x) - 2x\sigma(y) + \sigma(x)\sigma(y) - 2xy + \sigma(x)\sigma(y),$$
where we have used the condition $\gcd(x,y)=1$ in the last equation to derive $\sigma(xy)=\sigma(x)\sigma(y)$.
This gives
$$D(x)D(y) - D(xy) = 2xy - 2y\sigma(x) - 2x\sigma(y) + 2\sigma(x)\sigma(y)$$
so that we obtain
$$D(x)D(y) - D(xy) = 2y\bigg(x - \sigma(x)\bigg) - 2\sigma(y)\bigg(x - \sigma(x)\bigg)$$
which simplifies to
$$D(x)D(y) - D(xy) = 2\bigg(x - \sigma(x)\bigg)\bigg(y - \sigma(y)\bigg) = 2\bigg(\sigma(x) - x\bigg)\bigg(\sigma(y) - y\bigg) = 2s(x)s(y).$$
Here are my inquiries:
(1) Is it possible to extend the formula
$$D(x)D(y) - D(xy) = 2s(x)s(y)$$
to, say, something that uses three or more arguments (which are pairwise coprime)?
(2) If the answer to Question (1) is YES, what is the closed form for the formula and how can it be proved, in general?
Here is my own attempt for the case of three ($3$) arguments.
Suppose that
Then we have
$$D(x)D(y)D(z) - D(xyz) = (2x-\sigma(x))(2y-\sigma(y))(2z-\sigma(z))-(2xyz-\sigma(xyz))$$
from which we obtain
from which we get
This finally gives the formula
Checking the formula for $(x,y,z)=(3,5,7)$ gives
$$2\bigg(xs(y)s(z)+ys(x)s(z)+zs(x)s(y)\bigg)=2\bigg(3\cdot s(5)s(7)+5\cdot s(3)s(7)+7\cdot s(3)s(5)\bigg)=2\bigg(3\cdot{1}\cdot{1}+5\cdot{1}\cdot{1}+7\cdot{1}\cdot{1}\bigg)=2\cdot{15}=30.$$